Blog · Paris · Quarantining in France: The Most Popular Grocery Stores

Quarantining in France: The Most Popular Grocery Stores

May 8, 2020

All over social media, we’ve been seeing people in quarantine baking up a storm, making banana bread and whipped coffee. But what is the quarantine cooking experience like in France?

The current lockdown in Paris, which puts a high value on the moments Parisian locals can go outside, with the most popular destination – the grocery store!

Here is an insider look into some of the most well-known and reliable grocery stores for when you’re travelling and need a snack in Paris.

  1. Monoprix

One of the biggest name brands in Paris, Monoprix is a good option for quick meal options, with places to sit and dine, as well as shop on the go. This grocery store even has a fashion department! Leave it to Paris to bring fashion to their grocery stores!

  1. Franprix

My favorite! Franprix and Monoprix are extremely similar, with even French locals debating which one comes out on top for good deals and pricing. You honestly can’t go wrong!

  1. Carrefour City

More of a convenience store, this shop has plenty of food for on the go. There is also Carrefour Market, but this one is very popular for quick shopping. I once saw American treats here!

  1. Picard

This is the perfect place to go for frozen foods. There are sections and plenty of options so you can find frozen macarons to frozen hamburgers. Talk about simple!

  1. Bio C’ Bon

A bit pricier, this option is perfect for vegetables, organic food, and plastic-free options.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed a local look into Parisian grocery stores.