Blog · Paris · FAUX PAS in Paris – how to avoid them?

FAUX PAS in Paris – how to avoid them?

June 2, 2018

For many people a visit to Paris is exciting and romantic and wonderful but sometimes we worry about acclimating to local customs and language barriers.Here is the first in a series of handy tips to help you avoid a “Faux Pas”!

Faux Pas: Bonjour or bonsoir?

Sometimes in the summer you may visit the Eiffel Tower or the Catacombs and say “bonjour” because the sun is shining outside. The locals may respond with “bonsoir” accompanied by a look of condemnation. This is a Parisian game in correcting others and pointing out their faux pas. Most often people will recognize that after 5:30pm (or 17h30!) you should change the welcome to “bonsoir”, even in the summer when it is light until well after 9pm (21h00!).

Created by Joanna and Linda for Paris Tour 1