Blog · New York · Walking vs. Bus Tours: NYC Guide

Walking vs. Bus Tours: NYC Guide

July 11, 2017

Mets or Yankees? Brooklyn or Queens? Juliana’s or Grimaldi’s? Walking tour or bus tour?

A couple of options await you if you’re interested in booking tours. There are a few factors to consider when choosing the best one for you.

1. Do you like being on your feet?

If you like walking and are OK with standing on your feet for at least a couple hours, then a walking tour may be the right choice for you. If, however, you feel uncomfortable walking, then consider a bus tour. You know yourself best, and will be the best judge of your needs.

2. Breadth or depth?

Walking tours will give you close access to attractions, venues, and the people. If you’re on a bus, you’ll view everything from some distance, and your experience may not be as immersive. On the other hand, a bus tour may cover more distance and, therefore, more attractions.

3. Weather and season

Some walking tour companies, including ours, run their tours rain or shine, 365 days a year. If you plan on visiting NYC in the fall or winter, you’ll need to consider the possibility of precipitation and cold weather when booking your tour.

4. When in NYC … do as the locals do

Some cities are more suitable for walking–Florence, for example–and so you may get a more “authentic” experience if you choose a walking tour. New York City is navigable via bus and walking.

Learn more about any of our NYC tours! If you’ve already booked your tour and would like more tips or advice to prepare for your visit, check out our NYC Guide.